SPD4459 Holly Brown Coffee ~ By Ida Cheung

Detail information --> http://yautsimmongfandb.blogspot.hk

Recently, I met my friends at Holly Bown Coffee. We was going to try the desserts there. As you can see, Holly Brown Coffee is western-style cafe.

最近,我約了我的朋友到Holly Brown Coffee食甜品。這裡的裝修是以西式為主。

Here are some menus from the café. 以下是Holly Brown Coffee的一些餐牌。

We ordered some desserts ( i.e. Blue Jazz and mini Waffle- Holly Family)

The picture below is Gelato- Blue Jazz. It contains blue vanilla, Mashmallow, sprinkle and cream. The size is large, it is hard for only 1 people to complete it. That was my first time to eat vanilla in blue. It is fantastic!


Besides, we ordered mini Waffle- Holly Family. It contained blue vanilla, M&M, sprinkle and cream. It tasted good to eat waffle together with ice-cream.


In addition, Holly Brown coffee provides takeaway delivery service.

Tel: (852) 2869 9008 / Email: [email protected]


電話: (852) 2869 9008/ 電郵:[email protected]


尖沙咀Mira Mall店 - Caffe A` La Mode By Holly Brown
九龍尖沙咀彌敦道 118 號Mira Mall 2樓205-206
電話: Tel: (852) 2480 1918, (852) 2480 1928

Reference: http://www.openrice.com/restaurant/sr2.htm?shopid=50639



SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
Yau Tsim Mong ; YTM ; cafe ; coffee ; tea ; food and beverage


標籤: food and beverage  Yau Tsim Mong  YTM  cafe  coffee  SPD4459  tea