Balloon Art Online 之起動之章(一)--- 打氣工具 Beginning--- Inflation Tool

正所謂" 工卻善其事, 必先利其器" , 我們做每一種工作之前, 都要認識一下所用的工具。

我們首先先認識一下做氣球的重要工具--- 氣泵(打氣筒)

Before We start the lessons, let's understand the tools we are going to use.

泵可分為幾大類: 單向泵(Single-action pump)、雙向泵(Dual-action pump)、電泵(Electric Air Pump)

There are the categories of Pumps : Single-action pump, Dual-action pump, and Electric Air Pump

單向泵是平常用作籃球及足球打氣之用, 但由於充氣量不平均, 會令長條型氣球出現"一節節" 的變型情況, 因此單向泵不而用作長條型氣球充氣之用。

Single-action pumps are usually used for basketball and football inflation, but the air from Single-action pumps doesn't pump steadily and cause distortion of the modelling balloon. Therefore, Single-action pumps are not suitable for modelling balloon

▼雙向泵(Dual-action pump)

雙向泵因為在拉出及推進時皆可充氣, 因而稱為"雙向"((Dual-action)。它的優點是打氣平均及快速, 因此適合長條型氣球充氣時使用

▼拉出時的雙向泵 (Pulled out of a Dual-action pump)

在坊間不難購買雙向泵, 而且價錢亦較便宜, 通常十元八塊港幣就有一個。當然 ,也有一些比較專業的雙向泵。

It is not difficult to buy a Dual-action pump and the price of the pump is cheap, usually $1 to $2 CAD. Also, There are pumps for professional used.

▼160氣球專用的雙向泵 (160 Dual-action pump)

▼這是筆者專用的雙向泵--"二泵流" (That is my personal- used pump)

保養方面, 很多人打氣之後, 都把雙向泵的杆拉出時放下, 其實是很危險的, 因為雙向泵的杆是很脆弱, 如果杆斷了,雙向泵就會報消了, 所以大家要好好保護雙向泵啊!!

For Maintenance, most people would hold their pumps on pulled out position. In fact, That is too dangerous for the pump because the rod of the pump is fragile and easy to damage. Remember! Not to put the pump on pulled out position.

順帶一提, 有很多人看過外面的氣球表演, 都會嘗試用用口吹長條氣球, 但其實是很危險, 因為長條氣球需要很大的氣壓才會膨脹, 如果不懂控制氣壓, 可能會傷及眼睛, 所以大家都是小心為妙。

Finally, there are a lot of people trying to inflate the modelling balloons by their mouths , but in fact it is very dangerous. The reason is inflating a modelling balloon requires high pressure which would damage our eyes and brain. So, be careful.

待續... To be Continue


標籤: 工具    打氣  氣球  表演  佈置  興趣  balloon  art  pump