【Tomyumball】A meeting in Sukhothai.

【Me】Were you leaving Hong Kong immediately right after your contract with Rangers had expired?
【Katano】 Yes, I wanted to stay fit, so I went to Myanmar for training. I got a friend playing there. And then it came the invitation from Sukhothai. I was still considering my future at that time, and before I made the final decision I just wanted to keep my physical condition. That was why I came to Sukhothai.

【Me】You were keen to return to Thai football right?
【Katano】Actually, my original plan was to play one more season in Hong Kong. Sukhothai was the only Thai club contacted me. And that was only a trial deal at the beginning.

【Me】So did you receive any offer from Hong Kong?
【Katano】 Yes, 2 teams. And there was one offer from a Myanmar club.

【Me】No Kitchee? (The Hong Kong league Champions)

Fans in Hong Kong did suggest that Katano should join Kitchee to replace Kim Tae Min, the former Police United's Korean defender. That makes sense to me. But that wasn't in Kitchee's idea though. So now the question is why he rejected those 2 offers from Hong Kong?
※ Katano vs Kim Tae Min.

【Katano】They were really kind to me and respected me a lot, I really appreciate it. So in return I wanted to give them a good answer. I considered all the offers thoroughly. And Sukhothai's offer was the best one for now and the future, therefore I chose Sukhothai.

Sometimes you just have to change your plan. And playing with Sukhothai seems to be a good plan too. Katano still have chance to play his “one more season” in Hong Kong in the future anyway. So now the question is why he had that plan to stay in Hong Kong?
※ Katano at Rajamangala watching the international friendly match between Thailand and Hong Kong.

【Me】Do you like Hong Kong?
【Katano】Yes I like it. Hong Kong is a modern city, just like Tokyo, and people are very friendly. I have made good friends and still keeping contact with them. The time being with my teammates was my most enjoyable time in Hong Kong.

【Me】Is there anything you dislike about Hong Kong? The terrible pitches maybe?
【Katano】 Umm ... Yes, the bad pitches. (Most Hong Kong teams have to train on artificial pitches.) I wanted to train on natural grass. And also ... ( I was shocked by his answer. It was hilarious but for the sake of the one he mentioned, I'd better keep a secret.)

【Me】Who was your best friend ?
【Katano】Shay Spitz. My teammate in Rangers.(I thought it would be a Japanese.)
※ Katano vs Hong Kong league’s Japanese forward “Nakamura Yuto”.

【Me】What do you make of the style of Hong Kong League?
【Katano】The style of Hong Kong was more physical, with more direct play and long pass. But in Thai League and Sukhothai, I can do more short pass, more technical plays and be able to control the game. It fits my style more.

【Me】So as you said, Thai football's style is more suitable to you, then why you still wanted to play one more season in Hong Kong?
【Katano】Actually the level of Hong Kong Premier League and Thai Division One is quite the same, only the style is different. When Rangers came to Thailand for training camp last month (August), they played a friendly match with Port FC. And my friend Saruta who played there told me that there is no team in Thailand playing in Rangers' style, so physical and strong. I played in TPL for 4 seasons before, so I wanted to learn and try different style. I like new challenge. Therefore I enjoyed every game I played in Hong Kong.

So that was just another example of getting out of the “comfort zone”. During the lunch, Katano also asked me about Hong Kong football. For example the problem in football development in Hong Kong, the performance of Hong Kong national team in the World Cup Qualifiers, and which team is favor to win the Hong Kong league. As for the last question, I told him my choice was “Kitchee”. Because they have their new club-owned training ground ready to use and the quality of the pitch is good. Hopefully the pitches and the salary in Hong Kong league will be more “comfort” too in the future. Ok let me just ask a few more “Hong Kong questions” before we focus on Sukhothai.
※ The last tournament Katano participated before leaving Hong Kong was an international 7-a-side tournament. He said he learned a lot from it even though it wasn’t 11-a-side.

【Me】Which team was the toughest in Hong Kong?

【Me】Who was your toughest opponent?
【Katano】The Spanish striker "Belencoso" of Kitchee. His movement was great. I don't like him. Hahaha ...

【Me】You don't like him ? Is he a dirty player?
【Katano】No, not like that. That means it was very difficult to stop him.
※ Katano vs Belencoso.
【Me】 If you are given a free-choice, which team would you choose to join?
【Katano】 Kitchee. Because of their style.

【Me】 Do you think Hong Kong's local players are good enough for Thai Division One?
【Katano】 I think some teams are ok. But as for local Hong Kong players, generally they are not as skillful and as strong as the Thai players. Their weakness was quite the same though, which is cannot concentrate throughout 90 minutes. Many teams in Thai Division One have this kind of problem, maybe including Sukhothai.

So generally we may not be ready, but we can still count on our elite players, like Yaap Hung Fai. I think Yaap Hung Fai is in TPL quality, just like Hassan Sunny, the Army United’s Singaporean goalkeeper. Then what about Thai Division One? Although as Katano said the level is quite the same as Hong Kong Premier League, its size is much bigger. This season there are 20 teams fighting for 3 promotion spots. Sukhothai are still in the promotion race. So how is the world of Division One football? Let Katano briefly talk about it(Next page)


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